Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chicken in Lemon Sauce


3 double boneless chicken cutlets
1/2 cup flour with 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter
Juice of 1 lemon (or 3 tablespoons lemon juice) in 1 cup water
1/2 cup crushed rosemary
Salt and pepper


Pound cutlets to 1/4 inch thick, or butterfly them.  Melt butter in a large frying pan.  Dredge chicken in flour and brown.  Add salt, pepper, lemon juice in water, and rosemary.  Cook uncovered for 15-20 minutes until cooked through.  The water will evaporate leaving a nice, lemon "sauce".  Keep an eye on it while it's cooking in case you need to add a bit more water-or evaporate it a little longer.  Serves 6

*This recipe was taken from the O Taste and See Some More! cookbook

**Also, I'm going to start categorizing my recipes.  This one is categorizes under the Main Dishes category